
Upgrade FAQ

ftp -V https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.4/amd64/bsd.rd
ftp -V https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.4/amd64/SHA256.sig
signify -Cp /etc/signify/openbsd-64-base.pub -x SHA256.sig bsd.rd
cp bsd.rd /

vm console boot menu

boot> bsd.rd

vm console

Welcome to the OpenBSD/amd64 6.4 installation program.
(I)nstall, (U)pgrade, (A)utoinstall or (S)hell? u
At any prompt except password prompts you can escape to a shell by
typing '!'. Default answers are shown in []'s and are selected by
pressing RETURN.  You can exit this program at any time by pressing
Control-C, but this can leave your system in an inconsistent state.

Terminal type? [vt220]
Available disks are: sd0.
Which disk is the root disk? ('?' for details) [sd0]
Checking root filesystem (fsck -fp /dev/sd0a)... OK.
Mounting root filesystem (mount -o ro /dev/sd0a /mnt)... OK.
Force checking of clean non-root filesystems? [no]
fsck -p b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.k... OK.
fsck -p b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.d... OK.
fsck -p b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.f... OK.
fsck -p b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.g... OK.
fsck -p b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.h... OK.
fsck -p b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.j... OK.
fsck -p b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.i... OK.
fsck -p b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.e... OK.
/dev/sd0a (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.a) on /mnt type ffs (rw, local)
/dev/sd0k (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.k) on /mnt/home type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0d (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.d) on /mnt/tmp type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0f (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.f) on /mnt/usr type ffs (rw, local, nodev)
/dev/sd0g (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.g) on /mnt/usr/X11R6 type ffs (rw, local, nodev)
/dev/sd0h (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.h) on /mnt/usr/local type ffs (rw, local, nodev, wxallowed)
/dev/sd0j (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.j) on /mnt/usr/obj type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0i (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.i) on /mnt/usr/src type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0e (b7289e9f7bf6a6cf.e) on /mnt/var type ffs (rw, local, nodev, nosuid)

Let's upgrade the sets!
Location of sets? (disk http or 'done') [http]
HTTP proxy URL? (e.g. 'http://proxy:8080', or 'none') [none]
HTTP Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') [cdn.openbsd.org]
Server directory? [pub/OpenBSD/6.4/amd64]

Select sets by entering a set name, a file name pattern or 'all'. De-select
sets by prepending a '-', e.g.: '-game*'. Selected sets are labelled '[X]'.
    [X] bsd           [X] comp64.tgz    [X] xbase64.tgz   [X] xserv64.tgz
    [X] bsd.rd        [X] man64.tgz     [X] xshare64.tgz
    [X] base64.tgz    [X] game64.tgz    [X] xfont64.tgz
Set name(s)? (or 'abort' or 'done') [done] -game*
    [X] bsd           [X] comp64.tgz    [X] xbase64.tgz   [X] xserv64.tgz
    [X] bsd.rd        [X] man64.tgz     [X] xshare64.tgz
    [X] base64.tgz    [ ] game64.tgz    [X] xfont64.tgz
Set name(s)? (or 'abort' or 'done') [done] -x*
    [X] bsd           [X] comp64.tgz    [ ] xbase64.tgz   [ ] xserv64.tgz
    [X] bsd.rd        [X] man64.tgz     [ ] xshare64.tgz
    [X] base64.tgz    [ ] game64.tgz    [ ] xfont64.tgz
Set name(s)? (or 'abort' or 'done') [done]
Get/Verify SHA256.sig   100% |**************************|  2141       00:00
Signature Verified
Get/Verify bsd          100% |**************************| 14987 KB    00:03
Get/Verify bsd.rd       100% |**************************|  9782 KB    00:02
Get/Verify base64.tgz   100% |**************************|   157 MB    00:35
Get/Verify comp64.tgz   100% |**************************| 64081 KB    00:13
Get/Verify man64.tgz    100% |**************************|  7086 KB    00:01
Installing bsd          100% |**************************| 14987 KB    00:00 ETA
Installing bsd.rd       100% |**************************|  9782 KB    00:01
Installing base64.tgz   100% |**************************|   157 MB    01:02
Installing comp64.tgz   100% |**************************| 64081 KB    00:39
Installing man64.tgz    100% |**************************|  7086 KB    00:08
Location of sets? (disk http or 'done') [done]
Making all device nodes... done.
Relinking to create unique kernel... done.

CONGRATULATIONS! Your OpenBSD upgrade has been successfully completed!

Exit to (S)hell, (H)alt or (R)eboot? [reboot]

Config changes: httpd.conf

location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" {
                root "/acme"
                request strip 2
rm /dev/audio /dev/audioctl
rm /etc/rc.d/rtadvd /usr/sbin/rtadvd /usr/share/man/man5/rtadvd.conf.5 /usr/share/man/man8/rtadvd.8
userdel _rtadvd
groupdel _rtadvd
rm /usr/X11R6/lib/libxcb-xevie.*
rm /usr/X11R6/lib/libxcb-xprint.*
rm /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/xcb-xevie.pc
rm /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/xcb-xprint.pc